Supplementary graphics for "Analyzing the Dynamics of International Mediation Processes in the Middle East and the former Yugoslavia"

Deborah J. Gerner and Philip A. Schrodt
University of Kansas

Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association Chicago, 21 - 24 February 2001

Cross-correlation for United Nations mediation and Serbia->Bosnia cooperation, both series detrended


Cross-correlation for United States mediation and Serbia->Bosnia cooperation, both series detrended

Autocorrelation, detrended Serbia->Bosnia cooperation


Autocorrelation, detrended UN mediation in Balkans


Autocorrelation function for detrended USA mediation in Balkans


Cross-correlation, detrended mediation efforts directed to Lebanon and Israel->Palestinians


Cross-correlation, detrended mediation efforts directed to Lebanon and Israel->Lebanon


Cross-correlation of US mediation and Serbia->Bosnia cooperation with trend and autocorrelation removed from both series


Cross-correlation of USA->ISR with ISR->PAL


Cross correlation of Balkans European mediation and 12-month difference of Serbia->Bosnia


Cross correlation of Balkans United Nations mediation and 12-month difference of Serbia->Bosnia