Software Development and Statistical Analysis
Without craftsmanship, inspiration is a mere reed shaken in the wind.
Johannes Brahms
Beware of an old man in a profession where most men (sic) [leave] young.
Sean Kernan on mobster Michael Franzese
Parus Analytics, LLC is a small consulting firm specializing in software development and statistical analysis.
March-2024: Parus Analytics is going out of business and closing its doors forever!!
Yes, after 30 odd years of unrelenting snark, nearest-neighbor-based predictive models that never seemed to work, automated event coding systems that generally did, and numerous collaborations with a similar track record, Parus Analytics is folding its proverbail tent and shutting down! This web site remains for matters of historical record but, as the sayings go, so long and thanks for the fish, and...

Software Development. Natural Language Processing. Statistical Analysis
Parus Analytics is a small independent consulting firm specializing in the development of software for the analysis of political events. We have done work on contracts for the U.S. National Science Foundation, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the U.S. multi-agency Political Instability Task Force (PITF) and the IARPA-sponsored Good Judgment Project.
Event Data
In early work at the University of Kansas and Pennsylvania State University, the research team at Parus pioneered the development of fully automated methods for the coding of political event data. These efforts included KEDS, the first successful automated coder, the CAMEO event and actor coding ontology, and TABARI, the coding program used in the research phases of the DARPA Integrated Conflict Early Warning System (ICEWS). Our recent efforts include providing support for the real-time PHOENIX data set, and development of the new PETRARCH coder, written in Python, hosted on GitHub as an open-collaboration project, and utilizing the Stanford CoreNLP natural language processing suite. In addition to the computational event data efforts, we also produce the PITF Worldwide Atrocities Data Set using machine-assisted coding methods.
This is the successor site for the KEDS project: follow these links to access presentations,
software and
data sets.
Political Forecasting
Political Instability Task Force. Integrated Conflict Early Warning System.
Most of our efforts over the past twenty years have focused on statistical and computational methodologies for forecasting violent political conflict. Both PITF and ICEWS have demonstrated that systematic quantitative models, can consistently forecast a variety of indicators of political instability with accuracy in excess of 80% at policy-relevant forecast windows of six to twenty-four months. This is dramatically better than human forecasters—many of whom scarcely exceed the 50% accuracy of the proverbial "dart-throwing chimp"—and can be done using open-source data and methods.
Sites We Follow
National Science Foundation-sponsored project for the automated production of political data - Dart-Throwing Chimp
Best source on technical forecasting, and regularly updated - jayyonamine.com
"predicting political events with data" - johnbeieler.org
Another source for all-things-event-data - A Second Mouse
Reflections on social science, politics and education

Parus 421 Park Street parus.analytical.systems@gmail.com Phone: +1-785-550-3553
Charlottesville, VA 22901