Event Data -Based Research

This is a collection of publications and papers that have employed TABARI or KEDS data prior to 2001. Please note that this list is not comprehensive, nor has it been updated for a very long time. If you have any works you would like to include on our bibliography, please contact us.

Goldstein, Joshua S., Jon C. Pevehouse, Deborah J. Gerner, and Shibley Telhami. 2001. "Dynamics of middle East Conflict and U.S. Influence, 1979-97." Journal of Conflict Resolution 45, 5: 594-620.

Schrodt, Philip A. 2000. "Pattern Recognition of International Crises using Hidden Markov Models." In Political Complexity: Nonlinear Models of Politics, ed. Diana Richards. Pp. 296-328. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

David, J. Sky. 2000. "Routine, Response, or Rational Expectations?: An Analysis of Bilateral Relations in Intranational and International Contexts." Presented at the International Studies Association meetings, Los Angeles, 14-18 March 2000.

Kovar, K., J. Fürnkranz, J. Petrak, B. Pfahringer, R. Trappl, and G. Widmer. 2000. "Searching for Patterns in Political Event Sequences: Experiments with the KEDS Database." Cybernetics and Systems 31, 6.

Schrodt, Philip A., and Deborah J. Gerner. 2000. "Cluster-Based Early Warning Indicators for Political Change in the Contemporary Levant." American Political Science Review 94,4.

Pevehouse, Jon C., and Joshua S. Goldstein. 1999. "Serbian Compliance or Defiance in Kosovo? Statistical Analysis and Real-Time Predictions," Journal of Conflict Resolution 43, 4: 538-546.

Schrodt, Philip A. 1999. "Early Warning of Conflict in Southern Lebanon using Hidden Markov Models." In The Understanding and Management of Global Violence, ed. Harvey Starr. Pp. 131-162. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999.

Thomas, G. Dale. 1999. The "Strange Attractiveness" of Protracted Social Conflict in Northern Ireland. Ph.D. dissertation, University of South Carolina.

Schrodt, Philip A. and Deborah J. Gerner. 1998 . "Cluster Analysis as an Early Warning Technique for the Middle East." in John L. Davies and Ted Robert Gurr (eds.) Preventive Measures: Building Risk Assessment and Crisis Early Warning Systems. Lanham MD: Rowman and Littlefield.

Gerner, Deborah J. and Philip A. Schrodt. 1998. "The Effects of Media Coverage on Crisis Assessment and Early Warning in the Middle East." In Early Warning and Early Response, ed. Susanne Schmeidl and Howard Adelman. New York: Columbia University Press-Columbia International Affairs Online.

Bond, Doug, J. Craig Jenkins, Charles L. Taylor and Kurt Schock. 1997 . "Mapping Mass Political Conflict and Civil Society: The Automated Development of Event Data." Journal of Conflict Resolution 41,4: 553-579.

Goldstein, Joshua S., and Jon C. Pevehouse. 1997. "Reciprocity, Bullying and International Cooperation: A Time-Series Analysis of the Bosnia Conflict." American Political Science Review 91,3: 515-530.

Huxtable, Phillip A. 1997. Uncertainty and Foreign Policy-Making: Conflict and Cooperation in West Africa. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Kansas.

Schrodt, Philip A. and Deborah J. Gerner. 1997 . "Empirical Indicators of Crisis Phase in the Middle East, 1979-1995." Journal of Conflict Resolution 41,4: 529-552

Schrodt, Philip A., and Scott Savaiano. 1997. "Environmental Change and Conflict: Analyzing the Ethiopian Famine of 1984-85." pp. 147-158 in Carl W. Roberts, ed. Text Analysis for the Social Sciences: Methods for Drawing Statistical Inferences from Texts and Transcripts. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates: 1997.

Huxtable, Phillip A. and Jon C. Pevehouse. 1996. "Potential Validity Problems in Events Data Collection." International Studies Notes 21,2: 8-19.

Schrodt, Philip A. 1994. "Event Data in Foreign Policy Analysis" in Laura Neack, Jeanne A.K. Hey and Patrick J. Haney,. Foreign Policy Analysis: Continuity and Change. New York: Prentice-Hall, pp. 145-166.

Schrodt, Philip A. and Deborah J. Gerner. 1994 . " Validity assessment of a machine-coded event data set for the Middle East, 1982-1992." American Journal of Political Science, 38, 825-854.

Gerner, Deborah J., Philip A. Schrodt, Ronald Francisco and Judith L. Weddle. 1994. "The Analysis of Political Events using Machine Coded Data." , International Studies Quarterly.

Schrodt, Philip A., Shannon G. Davis and Judith L. Weddle. 1994. "Political Science: KEDS-A Program for the Machine Coding of Event Data." Social Science Computer Review 12,3: 561-588.

Schrodt, Philip A. 1993. "The Machine Coding of Events Data." in Richard L. Merritt, Robert G. Muncaster and Dina A. Zinnes, eds. International Events-Data Developments: DDIR Phase II. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan